Friday, December 3, 2010

They Don't Get It!

Do You Hear What I Hear? - Third Day This is the Third Day version of the classic Christmas carol, which I will be referencing later. If you have never heard Third Day's version, please give it a listen, the best version by far, and if you have read previous posts, you know I get picky with my Christmas music.

So rewind a few days ago, and the "Holiday Season" has officially begun. The lights are going up on the houses, the street lights in front of city hall are being decorated with snowflakes, and the decorations are put up in front of the park. Even at work, the store was decorated with lights, snowflakes, and four large inflatable decorations that are meant for outdoors, are inside on the sales floor (not my idea, not my fault, and they scare my three year old son). In addition, the Christmas music was playing on three different radio stations that I know of, possibly more.

My little subdivision every year decides they need to kick it up a notch. I believe wholeheartedly that certain houses in my subdivision are responsible for the bonuses of a few of the executives over at Ameren UE. With all the decorations, the shopping, the lines, and I realize something.

They don't get it! Not only that, but some of them never will. You see, in the context of this little blog post, there are two types of people. Those that get Christmas, and those that don't. The good news is that in our current American society, these two groups of people coexist and have civil conversations with one another. 

I came to this realization a few days ago while going back to work from the gas station to get my daily soda. I really wasn't paying attention to what was on the radio, and asked God what to do. The final verse of Do You Hear What I Hear, (you know, the link earlier in the blog that I said I would reference later, I'm referencing it now) came on the radio. The verse goes like this:

Said the king to the people everywhere
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere
Listen to what I say
The child, the child
Sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light

The last part of this verse is what really hit me. We (the ones that "get it") mingle and talk with those that don't get it! We have the good news about Jesus Christ, and what better segway into the conversation than the fact that it's Christmas for goodness sakes! Readers of my blogs (I think the number is up to three now) may have started noticing a pattern in the topics I write about, specifically about Christians going out and spreading the Gospel of Christ. The reason I keep talking about it is no coincidence I assure you, there are many reasons I keep bringing it up. First off, it is something that I am not the best at doing, and God keeps giving me gentle little reminders. Second, it is something that a great deal of Christians are not doing, and I am giving the 20 or so people that read my blog a week (the real number) a little reminder. We have the message, we have the truth, we have the Gospel, and we know that our hope is in the Lord. It does no good to keep the Good News to ourselves.


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