Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Do You Believe In Miracles?

When you read the Bible, you will find that there are many different miracles that were performed. From the Old Testament parting of the Red Sea, and the New Testament miracles Jesus performed which include turning water into wine, feeding of the 5000, and the raising of Lazarus from the dead. Not to mention Jesus Himself rising from the dead

What some people point to as evidence that Christianity is false is that they say God is not performing miracles of this magnitude today. Why is that? 

All of these miracles were examples of God showing His power and that He is indeed the one and only God, and examples of Him protecting His people here on Earth. To say the least, these are all very dramatic examples. 
To answer the question why do miracles like this not happen anymore, you have to ask the question why did God perform these miracles in the first place. He performed them to show the world that He is in fact God. To put it mildly, He has already proven this point. 

The Bible has everything that you need to know that God is God, and the Bible has everything necessary for salvation. You see, we have it easier than the people mentioned in the Bible. They didn't have a Bible to refer to, seeing as how the events were unfolding at the time. If there was a dispute, the churches in the New Testament had to wait for a letter from Paul to settle matters. But now, we have proof, written down proof, of God's awesome power.

Miracles still do happen everyday, they are just not as blatantly obvious as the ones mentioned in the Bible. God is still performing miracles everyday in our lives, we just may not notice the significance until later. Remember, God is God, He still exists, and He still cares.


  1. That Annoying Hippy Who Keeps Commenting on your blogSeptember 29, 2010 at 4:20 PM

    I tend to think a lot of the miracles of Bible times would have been explained away by science, had they had that knowledge. Parting of the Red Sea? Maybe there was a tsunami. Turning water into wine... I'm sure there's a fermentation expert who could explain that one.

    To me, it's not always the incident itself but the TIMING of it that proves the miracle. The Red Sea parted, for whatever reason, RIGHT WHEN MOSES NEEDED IT TO. Lazurus woke up from whatever made him seem dead, in response to Jesus's call and before they sealed up the tomb (ick!).

    We may not see the big "miracles" anymore, because we have the science to explain HOW it happened. Where the miracles lie, if we choose to look for them, is WHEN, and WHY, and TO WHOM.

    IMO. ; )

  2. Personally, I think we miss a ton of them everyday and I think writers in Biblical times did as well. They noticed the ones recorded, but how could you not miss those? To me, our God is an awesome God. He wrote the book, created all, and is "super"-natural, meaning He's not bound by the rules/laws of science and nature. He could change them at any time and we may not even notice because He wanted it that way.
    As a scientist, I see many of my contemporaries who do spend time trying to explain everything instead of marvelling at the miracle in front of them. To many, admitting it's a miracle is a scary step toward admitting there is a God and with that comes accountability...
