Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lights and Sirens

For those of you that don't know me, I was a police officer for a short time. In the city that I worked in, there lived a couple of nuns that were teachers at one of the local parishes. One day, I met one of these nuns (there is no punch line coming, I promise), and she told me that when a police car, ambulance, or fire truck would go by the classroom with its lights and sirens on, they would pause everything they were doing and say a quick prayer. When she came home, she would say prayers for the officers whenever she would see lights, or even just hear the sirens. It was comforting to know that if I ever got in the situation, there would most likely be someone praying for me.

I am no longer a police officer, but what the nun and her school children did stayed with me. From time to time I see a squad car pulled on the side of the road with lights on, and at other times I hear the sirens. For the sirens to be on, it usually means something bad has happened, or is happening. In that case, the officer is going into what could be a fatal situation. I decided to carry on this tradition and say a quick prayer for police officers, firefighters, or paramedics whenever I see or hear lights and sirens. I know that God will hear my voice, but I also know that there is power in numbers, and ask you to join with me in praying for these men and women that put their lives on the line so that we may live a safer life. Here are the prayers:

When a police car is seen:
Lord, please keep the officer(s) safe in the performance of his or her or their duties. Please send your Holy Spirit on all parties involved that the situation may be diffused quickly and without incident. Please be with those the officer(s) are responding to, for this may be their greatest time of need. Amen.

When EMS/Ambulance is seen:
Lord, please keep the paramedics safe in the performance of their duties. Guide their actions that they may mend what is broken and comfort the hurt. Please be with those the paramedics are responding to, for this may be their greatest time of need. Amen.

When a fire truck is seen:
Lord, please keep the firefighters safe in the performance of their duties. Please keep them alert to their surroundings and aware of the situation at all times. Guide their actions that they may mend what is broken and comfort the hurt. Please be with those the firefighters are responding to, for this may be their greatest time of need. Amen.

When sirens are heard, but nothing seen:
Lord, please be with the emergency services personnel and keep them safe in the performance of their duties. Please be those they are responding to, as this may be their greatest time of need. Amen.

I try to do this wherever I am. Sometimes I pray out loud, sometimes silently. Sometimes, I bow my head, sometimes I don't. I won't bow my head while driving, after all, I don't want to be the one being responded to. Sometimes when I'm at work and can't stop what I'm doing, I just say the words in my head. Don't worry, it still counts. And speaking as a former police officer, I know that these little things are greatly appreciated.



  1. Crazy Hippy Maternal FigureNovember 17, 2010 at 8:37 PM

    I do this. ; ) Only not the official prayers, just something in my hippy free-love kind of way.

  2. There are no official prayers. These are something I wrote that serve as a guide for others. If you want to deviate, or say something completely different, by all means, go ahead.
