Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't They Know?

Yet again, I will be reflecting on one of my favorite songs. Most of you have not heard of this band or this song (although I know for sure that two of you have). A band out of Virginia called True Liberty has a song called Don't They Know? which is what I'll be writing about today. Sorry, I couldn't find the song on the internet, but the link takes you to the band's website where they have the lyrics.

I would like all the Christians reading this to think about their non-believing friends. I will talk in general (not to be giving things away) about mine. Some are those I work with currently, some are those I have worked with in the past, and some of those who my wife has worked with. I see a great deal of problems that they are faced with (not saying that following Christ automatically fixes all problems), and think of the refrain from Don't They Know?

Don't they know that God has the answer?
Don't they know that He has a plan?
Don't they know that God has the answer?
We must seek the Master's plan.

Jesus and His name are almost everywhere. From t-shirts, to books, even to billboards. These all fall short of explaining Him and who He is. No one pays attention to t-shirts that don't interest them, the same for books. And the billboards only say the name of Jesus, and nothing else. I start thinking about all these people and what they have in common. If you could take a moment, think about your non-believing friends that you thought of earlier, and now think about what they have in common. And no, I am looking for something other than they are your friends and they don't believe. The answer is much simpler, and possibly even more frightening. I thought about it, and it came to me.

Me. That's right, me. That is what they all have in common. Furthermore, most of these people hang around other non-believers, and may never hear the word of God except for one thing. Me. I would dare say, that the common link between your non-believing friends, is you. If your first reaction was anything like mine, it was most likely something along the lines of "Wow, this sucks. That's a lot of responsibility placed on my shoulders. How am I supposed to do this?" Well, I won't give you an exhaustive list, but here is a few important first steps.

Do what True Liberty says in their last verse:

God can heal a broken heart
And the wounds that are too deep to bear
Because if we would only do our part
And bring it to the Lord in prayer

Well, that doesn't sound so hard now does it. Praying is not, but the answer may be. The second part, and the answer to my prayer, was that I had to live a life that was a reflection of Jesus. Simplistically put, you're not going to be able to bring the Gospel to someone that you are currently trying to stab behind their backs. Live your life honorably, keep your tongue tamed, and most importantly, keep your eyes on Jesus. In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus commands us to "go and make disciples of all nations" as well as "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." The point is you actually have to get up and GO do something. As was said recently, Christianity is not a sedentary faith.

The act of bringing Christianity to your non-believing friends is just that. This aspect of the Faith, along with all other aspects, is an action, something you have to physically do. I know it's hard, it is for me. But with every step of the way, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, and take it to the Lord in prayer.


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